
Site History and Future Task List

Site Update History:


  • Why do iPhone portrait videos get expanded to more than a full page
    • Not sure why, but to control the height (to less than full-screen) you need to visit the Facebook embedded video player page and adjusting the pixel width  to 300, generate the code, get the code and paste it on your page where you want the Facebook embedded video to appear.  See ...\Website\QuickDigitalSolutions\WordPress\VantagePremiumThemeNotes.docx for more details.

09/29/18 - mucked around with Gallery Settings:

  • I changed the default slide  show viewer type to Thickbox for Gallery -> Other Options -> Lightbox Effects in NextGen Gallery.  I am not sure this has anything to do with the slideshow viewer?  After I made some changes in the Gallery Settings, I noticed that the slideshow viewer that I was using had changed.
  • I changed the number of posts per page from 20 to 50 in Gallery -> Settings -> Basic Thumbnails -> Images per Page
  • I tried to add a watermark to Gallery Images:  Gallery -> Other Options -> Watermark
  • I changed the Maximum Image Count to 2000 in Gallery -> Miscellaneous -> Maximum Image Count
  • I changed the SlideShow interval from 10 seconds to 6 seconds in Gallery -> Basic Slideshow -> Interval


Problems / Future Revisions (if possible):

  • Would like the Carousal on the London 2018 page to only display London posts
  • Add a Site Map page
  • Ability to run a video at a slower speed, FV Video?
  • Add a template to help in posting: text only; text with gallery; text, gallery and video; text and video
  • Create legal pages ( Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Anti Spam | DCMA Notice ) and add them to footer:  Customize -> Widgets -> Footer -> Site Origin Editor -> add text with hyperlinks to legal pages
  • Add Cookies Notification to site, GDPR?
  • Add Page Tags and check SEO
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