January 8, 2019 -> Tower Build Engineering Project

Cornerstone of Engineering 2

First Classroom Project of the Semester is a Success

Challenge is to use the following items to build a tower:

  • Marshmallow
  • Spaghetti
  • Masking Tape

Our team (all females) built the tallest tower in the class

Featured image of the post is not from our class, it is an image found on the internet when searched for 

"design a tower from spaghetti, marshmallow and masking tape"


First Cornerstone Project - Marshmallow Tower

First Cornerstone Project a Success

January 4, 2019 -> Orientation at Northeastern

Orientation at Northeastern

Dining hall food... (which is actually pretty good)

Pictures from the “Winter Blast” event:

  • Build-A-Husky
  • paint the Boston Skyline
  • the photo booth

CLICK on images below to get a bigger picture.


CIEE London Students with NEU Mascot

Reflection with Mom

NEU Photo Booth

An Original Jenna Slota artwork - Boston Skyline 2019

NEU Marino Center Gym

NEU Cafe' Food 1

NEU Cafe' Food 2

NEU Cafe' Food 3

January 3, 2019 -> Move in Day at Northeastern

Setting-Up my NEU Boston Dorm With Mom

  • Northeastern University, Boston, NY
  • Freshman Spring 2019
  • Move in day  at Stetson Hall West, 01/03/2019

Empty Dorm - A Blank Canvas

Dorm Set-Up 2

Dorm Set-Up 3

Dorm Set-Up 4

Dorm Set-Up 5

Dorm Set-Up 6

Dorm Set-Up 7 - Panoramic View - CLICK on image for more detailed view

December 7, 2018 -> Back to the Good Old USA -> NY, NJ & CT

Back to the Good Old United States ... New Jersey ... Exit 168 ?


So, How Small is the UK compared to the USA?

The United Kingdom is 243,610 square kilometers or 94,060 square miles.

That’s about 57% the size of California (423,970 square kilometers).

From the southern tip of England to the northern end of Scotland would stretch from Los Angeles to the Oregon border.

An Early Christmas Video

Christmas House

Posted by Jenna Slota on December 7, 2018

December 6, 2018 -> Trip Back to NJ


Virgin Atlantic Flight 137

Best Case Scenario Schedule:

UK Time        USA (eastern)       Task

7:30 AM          2:30 AM                      Catch the Bus to Heathrow Airport

12:30 PM        7:30 AM                      Plane Leaves Heathrow Airport

8:45 PM          3:45 PM                      Arrive at JFK

9:45 PM          4:45 PM                      Retrieve Baggage / Get Through Customs (est)

11:45 PM        6:45 PM                      Arrive Home in NJ (est)


At Heathrow B4 Departure 2 the USA

While Waiting at JFK - Left

While Waiting at JFK - Right

December 5, 2018 -> Last Day in London

Last day in London

  • Quick breakfast before finals
  • Finals done 🙂
  • Burning our UK cash
  • Went to Hyde Park to see their Winter Festival.

Went to half cup one last time for brunch with Aruni Ahilan (I got a coyo yogurt granola fruit bowl with a side of scrambled eggs)

After my physics final we went shopping on Oxford Street where I got 2 shirts and a nice romper.

Then later that night went to the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. It was super beautiful and we got to go on the mouse trap ride thing which was super fun!

Great way to spend my last day!!!

See u all at home soon!